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Lygeum spartum

SKU 1043
Price incl. 6% IVA (6%) €0,40
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Lygeum spartum
Plant Details
Plant Type: A large clump forming bunchgrass
Aspect: Full sun, exposed sites & coastal areas
Size - height & spread : 90 x 90 cm
Soil type/requirements: Extremely tolerant, dry, shallow, unimproved
Water requirements (established plants): Natural rainfall
Native Distribution: Mediterranean Basin. Portugal
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Lygeum spartum (False esparto grass). A relatively slow spreading rhizomatous tufted grass with attractive, vertically inclined, pale yellowish to grey-green rush-like leaves. It grows to 60-90 cm tall and starts to flower in spring and continues into the summer. The cupped flowers have 2 or 3 large, single flowered spikelets fused at the base and surrounded by many long hairs, which are further surrounded by a pair of large, delicate, pink, spathe-like bracts. Plant in full sun to light shade in almost any soil and water occasionally, especially in spring, until established.

More details on Lygeum ...

This is a drought and salt-tolerant grass, hardy to about -12 C. Although it remains fairly tidy, its appearance can be improved by raking out the dead foliage or cutting back in late autumn to allow regrowth in winter and spring. Lygeum spartum is naturally widespread throughout the Mediterranean, the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. It has an extensive root system which has been shown to play an important role in preventing soil erosion by stabilising sand and exposed sites. It is also a valuable source of fodder for grazing animals and a habitat for wildlife such as insects and reptiles. It is a truly drought tolerant ornamental grass that can grow in seasonally wetter conditions without becoming too large.

Lygeum is not invasive and can be cut back to the ground at any time of the year to encourage new growth and freshen up the appearance, although this should not be done too frequently as it can deplete the plant's reserves, particularly in years with low winter rainfall.

Imagem da espécie Lygeum spartum
Wikimedia Commons. Lygeum spartum
Nanosanchez, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
S. Rae from Scotland, UK, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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