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Origanum syriacum

SKU 1037
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Origanum syriacum
Plant Details
Plant Type: Culinary woody herb
Aspect: Full sun, exposed sites
Foliage: Aromatic and edible
Flower colour: White to pale pink
Flowering period: Early summer
Size - height & spread : 50 x 50 cm
Soil type/requirements: Extremely tolerant, dry, shallow, unimproved
Water requirements (established plants): Natural rainfall
Native Distribution: Middle East
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Syn. Majorana syriaca, bible hyssop. This plant may also be called za'atar after it's association with the herb-spice mixture. A bushy perennial shrub with highly aromatic foliage, the leaves are ovate, grey-green and grow in dense clusters on the stems. The flowers are tiny and white, sometimes tinged with pink, and borne in clusters on grey-green bracts in mid-summer. The leaves are best harvested before flowering, or you can cut back the flowers to promote more leaf growth in summer.

It can be a bit tender in frosty conditions, so may need some protection early in the mornings if there's no sun. There are no real problems with pests who don't seem to like the foliage as much as humans do. The main threat to its survival is wet soil conditions. It thrives on poor, stony, free draining ground. Otherwise, it is possible to plant it on a small mound to reduce the wet soil/root zone problem in winter.

More interesting information relating to this plant on Wikkipedia (EN)

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