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Pistacia terebinthus

SKU 1302
Price incl. 6% IVA (6%) €0,46
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Pistacia terebinthus
Plant Details
Plant Type: Small deciduous tree
Aspect: Sun or part shade
Foliage: Aromatic and autumn colour
Flower colour: White
Flowering period: Spring and summer
Size - height & spread : 9 metres
Soil type/requirements: Any free draining soil
Water requirements (established plants): Natural rainfall
Native Distribution: Portugal

This small drought tolerate deciduous tree can grow up to 9 metres, although the canopy spread often exceeds the tree's height. It is often used as a rootstock for the pistachio nut, P. vera, something that alludes to this native specie's strength and ability to make the best of whatever the soil and climatic conditions are. It supposedly grows best in a sandy to stony alkaline soil, but it can be found on most soils throughout Southern Portugal, modern agriculture and fire are probably the main restrictions it faces. Whatever the conditions, it is worth planting, as there are few trees as tough as the Terebinth. Like its close relative, Pistacia lentiscus, we think of them as scrubby shrubs, but this is only because they were under-valued in the agricultural economy and had to make way for fruiting trees such as the olive, carob and almond, rarely were they allowed to mature. As the agricultural landscape was abandoned, we have hillsides packed with teenage Pistacia's, their day will come.

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Perfectly suited to the conditions here, the attractive autumn foliage colour, bright red fruits in late summer and excellent wildlife habitat make it a valuable specimen in a garden. If you are re-wilding or recovering what's left of your soil, you can't afford to not use them. If water is scarce, young trees are best encouraged to grow as a multi-stemmed tree, providing more canopy and visual impact than with a single trunk. Don't be scared to plant them up against surface rock outcrops. In the same way as wild Olive, their roots will find a way around them and reward you with a shady spot to sit on for years to come.

Pistacia terebinthus range

Pistacia terebinthus, natural range - Giovanni Caudullo, CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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